Analog-to-Digital Converter


As the final project for ENPH 259, I constructed a fully functional Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) using fundamental electronic components. This ADC translates analog signals into digital values and displays the result on a 7-segment display, with each unit representing 0.1 volts.

The overall project consists of the following subcomponents:

  • Trigger Pulse Generator: Clears the counter and starts the time measurement.
  • Clock Pulse Generator: Produces a square wave for timekeeping.
  • Counter: Counts the clock pulses during the time window generated by the analog voltage.
  • Analog-to-Time Converter (ATC): Converts analog voltage into a proportional time interval.
  • Control Logic: Coordinates the ADC operations by controlling counting and reset signals.

Key Highlights:

  • Calibrated the ADC to ensure accurate voltage-to-digital conversion within a functional range of 0-5V.
  • Debugged and resolved critical issues like improper waveforms, incorrect counting, and voltage calibration errors.
  • Developed a timing diagram to verify and visualize the ADC’s operation.

Technologies and Tools

  • Circuit Design Components: Schmitt triggers, NAND gates, operational amplifiers, flip-flops, 7-segment displays
  • Instruments: Oscilloscope, digital multimeter, function generator, Analog Discovery 2
  • Software: Waveforms

Circuit Diagram
The complete circuit diagram with all sections labelled.
The assembled and working ADC.
A timing diagram showcasing the different digital signals that go into converting an input of 2.3V to an output of 23.